Although they are the second-biggest pollinators on the planet, mosquitoes can be undesired pests when they target human flesh. Protein in the mosquito's saliva triggers an immune response in the victim's body, causing a raised, itchy bump. Ticks are similarly annoying blood-feeding pests that, along with mosquitoes, can transmit a number of communicable diseases. Several commercial products are available to repel ticks and mosquitoes, however, there is a home remedy that is chemical-free and safe to use on children. Follow these steps to make a garlic-based tick and mosquito repellent for kids.
1. Place 4 ounces of garlic bulbs into a plastic Ziploc or similar bag.
2. Smash the garlic inside the bag with a meat tenderizing utensil.
3. Place the crushed garlic from the bag into a small dish with 2 tablespoons of mineral oil. Allow to soak overnight.
4. Add the garlic solution to 1 pint of water. Stir to dilute and place in a spray bottle.
5. Apply to skin before going outdoors to repel mosquitoes.