Wednesday 17 June 2015

Naturally Kill Mosquitoes In Water

Mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus.

Mosquitoes can carry disease and turn a potentially wonderful summer evening into an ordeal. To keep their population as low as possible, you must eliminate standing water from your property. Don't leave items such as tires or wheelbarrows outside in positions that allow water to accumulate. Homeowners with ponds or birdbaths won't be able to eliminate all standing water, but they can use a natural, harmless bacteria to solve the problem. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Call your local cooperative extension, health department or environmental office and find out whether there are rules governing homeowner use of Bt israelensis for mosquito control. They may be able to recommend a specific product.

2. Purchase the appropriate product at a hardware or lawn care center. A glance at the manufacturer's website or a few phone calls should help you know exactly where to go. Bt israelensis is usually marketed for home use in granules, slow-release blocks or rings. Read the directions to make sure you're getting the right amount for the water you wish to treat.

3. Treat the water with the Bt israelensis product at a time when mosquitoes are about to hatch, such as immediately after a heavy rain. Repeat as directed or necessary.

Tags: eliminate standing, eliminate standing water, Mosquitoes carry, standing water