Friday 5 June 2015

Fix A Broken Window Screen

A damaged window screen is a welcome invitation for bugs, dirt, dust and other critters to make their way into your home. When the weather is beautiful out, it's a shame to have to keep your windows closed because your screen isn't doing its job. Fixing a broken window screen is a quick weekend or evening project that can be completed fairly easily. With minimal time and effort you can repair your window screens with this do-it-yourself project. Does this Spark an idea?


Fixing a Broken Window Screen

1. Remove the screen from the window. You should notice as you are looking at your damaged screen that the window screen is made of a fine mesh material held taunt within a frame.

2. Use a screwdriver to pull up a corner of the rubber edging, also known as spline. Once you have a grip on the spline, pull it out of the window frame, working all the way around each side.

3. Remove the old screen material from the frame. Unroll you new screen material and lay the old screen on top of it. Cut out the new screen to be about one inch larger than the previous one on all sides.

4. Measure and cut a new length of spline to hold the new screen material in place. Spread the new screen material over the frame. Using a spline roller, begin in one corner and firmly press the spline into the groove on the frame so that it is firmly holding the screen material in place. Continue using the spline roller around all edges of the frame to secure the screen.

5. Trim the excess screen using sharp scissors or a utility blade. Take care not to pull up the newly placed spline. When the screen material has been trimmed to fit the frame, you can replace the screen in your window.

Tags: screen material, Broken Window Screen, material place, Remove screen, screen material place, spline roller, window screen