Wednesday 2 December 2015

Home Remedy For Flying Backyard Bugs

Buzzing insects flying around your ears in the backyard is annoying. Whether reading the paper and suddenly being assaulted by flies, lanced by mosquitoes under a starry night or smacked in the head by loopy moths, sometimes enough is enough. Fortunately, homeowners have many options for dealing with such pests right in their own house. Does this Spark an idea?


Use water to your advantage. If your winged pest problem involves mosquitoes, take a look around your backyard. Mosquitoes breed in open pools of water. If there are any shallow pools after recent rainfall, for example, get a broom and sweep the puddles away. Additionally, covering the swimming pool will further deter mosquitoes as well as naturally heating your pool water. Strategically placing citronella candles around the yard may also help.

Make a water trap for all other flying pests. Set a lamp outside and away from the house. Fill a wide basin with water and place it directly underneath the lamp. At night, turn the lamp on and watch as moths and other night fliers flock to the lamp and land in the water. Use a small amount of liquid soap in the water to speed up the process.

DIY Flypaper

Create your own non-toxic flypaper and kill winged pests before they drive you crazy. Though regular flypaper might work just as well, it's both cheaper and safer to create your own. Cut a few brown paper grocery bags into 4-inch lengths. Next, mix a half cup of water, one quarter cup of corn syrup or maple syrup and one tablespoon each of brown sugar and granulated sugar in pot. Heat the ingredients just to boiling and after it cools, run your strips of paper through the mixture, completely soaking them. Let the paper dry flat overnight and the next day you can puncture holes in one end and hang them outside.


Grow plants around the perimeter of your home that flying insects detest. Planting mint and basil around the house, for example, has the double benefit of being a deterrent to flies as well as a potential ingredient in the kitchen. Also, many winged pests such as moths can be better managed through the spreading of cloves.

Tags: around your, winged pests