Monday 28 December 2015

Plant An Asparagus Patch

Water your asparagus patch regularly.

Although you can plant an asparagus patch from seed, using 1-year-old crowns simplifies the process greatly. You'll be able to harvest asparagus within a year instead of three, and you can avoid the time-consuming care required by asparagus started from seed. Plant asparagus in the spring, when your location has warmed to approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and the frost danger has passed. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Till the area in which you plan to plant asparagus to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.

2. Create a 5- to 6-inch furrow with a hoe. If you're planting multiple rows, space the rows 5 feet apart.

3. Place a line of triple superphosphate fertilizer down the length of the furrow. Use 1 lb. for every 50 feet.

4. Position asparagus crowns into the furrow, spacing them 1 1/2 feet apart. Point the buds upward.

5. Backfill the soil into the row, taking care not to compact the area over the asparagus crowns.

6. Water the newly planted asparagus thoroughly.

Tags: asparagus crowns, asparagus patch, feet apart, from seed