Thursday 10 December 2015

Do Gnats Like Mold

Gnats, particularly fungus gnats, are attracted to decaying organic matter, such as mold that grows on the underside of plant leaves. Because of this, fungus gnats are often found within the home near houseplants and in damp areas. Fungus gnats are not attracted to mold in particular, but because both mold and gnats survive in moist areas, mold may indicate an ideal gnat-breeding ground. Does this Spark an idea?

Fungus Gnats

A common household pest, fungus gnats are small flies that are harmless to humans, yet a nuisance. Fungus gnats receive their name because of their attraction to fungi. Damp areas such as soil and areas where there is decaying matter are breeding grounds for fungus gnats. Besides decaying organic matter, gnats are frequently found feeding on leaf mold, making them a major annoyance once they enter the home and make it near houseplants.

Feeding Habits

Natural mold on the underside of leaves make an ideal meal for pesky fungus gnats and their larvae. Fungus gnats feed on decaying organic matter. Rotting vegetables, damp mulch, leaf mold, plant clippings, dead leaves, roots and fungi are all a part of a fungus gnat's diet. Mold found on houseplants -- usually fuzzy and white -- is an indicator of over-watering and may increase the likelihood of a fungus-gnat infestation as they survive and breed in moist areas.

Indoor Infestations

If a fungus-gnat infestation is present within a home, it is a good indicator of a possible breeding ground. If houseplants are being overtaken by fungus gnats and their young, it is likely due to over-watering, creating moist soil where fungus gnats thrive. Fungus gnats may also be found in moist drains where mold and slime are present, along with compost bins, bathroom sinks and tubs, and down kitchen drains.

Get Rid of Gnats

Fungus gnats cannot survive in dry conditions. Eliminate fungus gnats in houseplants by allowing the plant to dry completely in between waterings. If this is done consistently, fungus gnats and larvae will be unable to survive. If mold is present on plants, repotting in fresh soil should eliminate the issue. Drying tubs and sinks after use will help prevent gnats. Insecticides and sticky fly paper will help to get rid of adult gnats still present within the home.

Tags: fungus gnats, decaying organic, decaying organic matter, organic matter, within home