Thursday 10 December 2015

Easy Ways To Learn The Cell Cycle

The cell cycle is comprised of six phases: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis. Seems easy enough, but you don't want to mix up the elements of each phase. Follow some tips to get the cell cycle down.


Never underestimate the acronym. An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a compound term. In this case the acronym is IPMATC, formed from each stage of the cell cycle. Since IPMATC isn't too memorable, the key is to think of a fun phrase that forms the same acronym, such as "I Plan Marriage At The Church" or "I Play Music At The Club." Once you remember the acronym, it will be easier to remember each phase. The best way to go about this is too think of what's relevant to you, so you're more likely to remember it. If you like cats, perhaps your acronym can be "I Playfully Meow At The Cat."

Word Association

Here are some tips for remembering what happens during each phase. Even if you don't have a good understanding of root words, you can still use word association to call up information you may have forgotten. For instance, "interphase" may remind you of the word "intermission," and this is exactly was interphase is, a break. More specifically, it's a resting period for cells.

You can also link words to objects to help you remember. "Telophase" may conjure the image of a telephone. People use telephones to communicate over great distances. Telophase is right before cell division, when the two sets of chromosomes now have distance between them.

Image Association

Image association can help as well. During anaphase, chromatids divide and the X shape of the chromosomes are cut in half, forming V's. An upside-down V has the same shape as a capital A. And A is the first letter in anaphase. It may sound like a stretch, but once the train of thought starts rolling, it's easy to follow the path to the answer.

Using Song

Another great way to remember a process in chronological order is to make a song out of it---rhymes tend to be easy to remember. Or, if you're feeling lazy rather than creative, pick one of your favorite songs and replace the lyrics with each phase in the cell cycle. Songs that already have lists in the lyrics are most desirable, such as "Add it Up" by Violent Femmes.

Make It Relevant

The key is to embrace the task and find enjoyment and wonder in it. Truly try to grasp how neat the cell cycle is and indulge in the thrill of learning something new. If you're resistant to the topic, it will probably be more difficult to remember it. Also, customize your chosen technique of memorization. The more you work to develop them, the more they will become etched into your memory.

Tags: each phase, cell cycle, cell cycle, formed from, some tips