Thursday 18 June 2015

Prevent Mosquito Bites In Horses

Horses in a 24/7 outdoor environment are subject to mass mosquito bites.

Horses, like humans, are often the target of mosquito bites and in most cases are more affected by mosquito bites as compared to humans due to their 24/7 outdoor environment and larger surface area for mosquitoes to bite. Luckily, horses can be protected from mosquito bites with a combination of artificial and natural repellents.


1. Purchase a mosquito net, which can be found online or at your local ranch store, and set it up in your horse's stable area by attaching the ends of the net to the stable posts. Mosquitoes tend to be more active at night, so by covering your horse's stable at night with the net, you will dramatically decrease mosquito bites.

2. Rub pure vanilla extract onto your horse when you wish to venture outdoors with you horse when mosquitoes are present. Pure natural vanilla is an excellent repellent as it produces a pleasant smell that both you and your horse will enjoy, but overwhelms mosquito sensory organs. To maximize the vanilla extract's efficiency, rub it thoroughly onto your horse in circular motions until you can smell the scent of vanilla strongly from your horse.

3. Identify areas that are much more mosquito heavy than others and avoid traveling in these areas with your horse. Areas that mosquitoes are more heavily found are often very humid and damp with a presence of still water that provides a nursery for mosquito larvae to hatch.

4. Place a mosquito mesh fly sheet on your horse whenever you must venture into heavily infested mosquito areas. Mosquito mesh fly sheets are invaluable tools specifically designed to protect horses from mosquitoes. The lightweight mesh sheet drapes over the horse's body and acts as a barrier against mosquitoes by physically blocking them from the horse's skin.

5. Apply a mosquito repellent to your horse's body. Repellents are available in sprays or wipes and can be purchased in almost any farm supply store. For older and less hardy horses, special horse-friendly repellents, which contain milder ingredients, can be purchased.

Tags: your horse, mosquito bites, horse body, horse stable, horse when, mesh sheet, mosquito bites