Thursday 11 June 2015

Directions To Operate A Stinger Bug Zapper

Control bothersome mosquito populations with a Stinger Bug Zapper.

The term bug zapper came into its own during the 1980s when numerous homeowners turned to electric insect control. Used to help eliminate mosquitoes and other flying insects around porches, decks, stables and lawns, bug zappers such as the Stinger are still popular today as a method to control insects that can carry disease. Installing and using a Stinger Bug Zapper can be accomplished with a few steps. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Choose a location for installing the Stinger Bug Zapper. Hang the Stinger from a hook or mounting pole so that it is at least 7 feet off the ground.

2. Remove the top from the small container of Nosquito octenol lure that is included with the Stinger. Turn the zapper so that the bottom of the base is accessible and insert the Nosquito container into the holder built into the base.

3. Connect a suitable extension cord to the power cord of the Stinger Bug Zapper. Plug the extension cord into an electrical outlet.

4. Allow the Stinger Bug Zapper to warm for up to five minutes.

5. Select the mode of operation for the zapper. Slide the gray button located on top of the Stinger toward the clock image for 24-hour operation. Choose the moon image setting for the Stinger to come on at dusk and go off at dawn.

Tags: Stinger Zapper, extension cord, with Stinger