Monday 13 April 2015

Attract Dragonflies In Arizona

Attracting dragonflies helps control mosquito problems.

Hundreds of species of the dragonfly thrive in Arizona. Despite Arizona's hot climate, dragonflies can be found near water sources such as wetlands, ponds, streams and lakes. Dragonflies are often desirable for gardens because they are a natural predator of mosquitoes, flies and ants. To attract this beautiful insect, a water habitat must be created. Ponds are ideal for this purpose. However, specific requirements must be met when installing a pond to attract dragonflies. The pond must have a variety of depths, contain clean water and emergent plants. The dragonfly also needs sunshine, shelter and a place to hunt. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Excavate the area for the pond and install the lining. Dig the pond at different depths, making it at least 2 feet deep at the center. Ideally, the pond should be shallower around the perimeter and get deeper toward the center.

2. Install the underwater vegetation for your pond. Visit local garden shops to obtain a variety of underwater plants and installation instructions. Some common shallow-water emergent plants include: Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus), Water Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) and Bur-reed (Sparganium erectum).

3. Monitor the newly installed pond periodically to ensure all of the dragonfly habitat requirements are met. Check to make sure the underwater plants are thriving. Test the water for pollutants. Place sticks on the surface to provide a temporary perch for the dragonfly.

Tags: emergent plants, underwater plants