Wednesday 1 April 2015

Make Scented Incense Cones

Make fragrant incense cones at home in a variety of scents.

Incense dates back to ancient China. In its early forms, it consisted mainly of dried herbs, cassia, cinnamon and sandalwood. Today it is used in a larger variety of fragrances for scenting a home, aromatherapy and religious customs. Making your own scented incense cones is much easier than one might imagine. With just a few supplies, you can make fragrant incense for yourself or as gifts.


1. Mix 1 oz. fragrance oil with 2 oz. Dipropylene Glycol (DPG) in the glass measuring cup. This is enough to make about 100 incense cones. If fewer or more are desired, adjust the amounts using 1 part fragrance oil with 2 parts Dipropylene Glycol (DPG).

2. Pour the fragrance solution into the plastic bag and add the unscented incense cones. Zip the bag closed completely.

3. Soak the incense cones sealed in the bag for 24 hours. All the incense cones need to have contact with the solution during this period; therefore adjust the incense as needed by shifting the bag.

4. Spread two to three layers of paper towels across the disposable baking sheet.

5. Remove the incense cones from the plastic bag while wearing plastic gloves. Lay the incense on the paper towel-covered baking sheet.

6. Let the incense set for 48 hours while the excess solution drains into the paper towels. Store the incense cones in a glass or HDPE Plastic container.

Tags: incense cones, baking sheet, Dipropylene Glycol, fragrance with, fragrant incense, paper towels