Tuesday 4 November 2014

Homemade Remedies Insect Killers

Insects are an epidemic during the summer months, and it seems as though they come back regardless of what you do to prevent their return. Commercial bug sprays are expensive and contain harmful chemicals, so instead of using hazardous substances to eliminate bugs, try using homemade solutions as well as essential oils to kill or repel insects.

Insect Killers

PlanetNatural.com suggests a combination of baking soda and powdered sugar mixed in equal parts will kill roaches. Mix as much as you think you may need, and sprinkle it around the infested area.

Another of PlanetNatural.com's proposals is to use lemon juice and/or grits as an ant killer. Lemon is a natural repellent, and the grits can be used toward the end of a dry period before rain is due. Sprinkle the juice or grits around areas where the ants are concentrated; if you can find the ant hill, put them there. The ants will take the grits to feed the queen ant. Once the queen ant drinks water, she will begin to bloat from the grits and eventually will die. Once she is dead, the other ants will begin dying as well.

Bug Repellants and Sprays

Apply all essential oils to the skin to make sure you do not have any allergies. Mint, catnip, pennyroyal, citronella (rose geranium) and clove oils can be used as elements of homemade bug sprays. GreenYour.com says that citronella and clove oils are the most successful. Because you are using essential oils to create this bug spray, it will not have a chemical odor and will not be hazardous to your health if a small amount is inhaled. When mixed with the essential oils and distilled water, jojoba oil, olive oil, vodka, witch hazel and isopropyl alcohol can be used as the distributor.

Mint and Jojoba Spray

In a spray bottle combine:

1/4 or 1/2 tsp. mint oil

1 cup jojoba oil

1 cup distilled water

Shake well and use as necessary

Citronella and Witch Hazel Repellent

1/4 cup distilled water

1/4 cup witch hazel

120 drops (about 4 tbsp.) citronella oil

Drizzle the witch hazel slowly into the water in a bowl, and whisk together until well blended. Stir in the citronella oil, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Tags: essential oils, distilled water, witch hazel, ants will, clove oils, Insect Killers, juice grits