Thursday 12 February 2015

Does Peppermint Oil Kill Pantry Bugs

Peppermint essential oils are effective insecticides.

Pantry bugs are many types of pests that attack stored foods. Rice weevils, spider beetles, flour moths and larder beetles are just a few pantry bugs that can multiply quickly year-round in some areas. These pests cause millions of dollars a year in stored food loss, according to the University of Florida. Peppermint oil can kill and control these insects when used in conjunction with other methods. Does this Spark an idea?

Locate the Hiding Places

Usually the first indication you have a bug problem is the sight of crawling or flying pests exiting cabinets. Having these bugs does not mean a house is unsanitary. Often large infestations have their origins in food purchased at the grocery store. From these packaged foods, pantry bugs can spread rapidly to other stored cereals and grains that are not sealed tightly. Inspect all suspicious food containers and remove any infected ones from the shelves.

Eliminating Pantry Bugs

Peppermint has powerful insecticidal properties that kill bugs, according to mint studies at Aristotle University in Greece. Remove all uninfected stored food. Spray pantry walls with peppermint oil to kill remaining bugs. Vacuum all storage area shelves and wash them with hot soapy water to remove insect debris. Pay close attention to corners or cracks where these bugs love to hide. To discourage future infestations, drop peppermint oil directly in these spaces. Let the oil dry and caulk over the cracks.

Keep Pantry Bugs at Bay

To keep bugs out of the pantry, make regular inspections of stored food. Make sure all containers are airtight. Flour and grains may be safer in glass Mason jars with screw-on lids. Use the oldest stored items first, rotating back to the newest. Do not keep too many foods on hand that you rarely use. Periodically clean up spilled cornmeal or cracker crumbs that can gather in a cabinet corner.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Essential oils like peppermint are environmentally friendly pesticides for use in agriculture and the home. A Canadian study released findings that show mint and other oils safely kill or repel flies, roaches and mosquitoes without the harsh smell of chemical bug sprays. Pulegone, one of peppermint's active ingredients, is the most effective as an insecticide.

Tags: stored food, Pantry Bugs, these bugs