Monday 2 February 2015

Cedar Oil For Pets

Cedar Oil for Pets

Natural products for flea and tick control for pets are becoming increasingly popular as news stories about animals suffering severe reactions to commercial and prescription topical insecticides are disturbingly common. New research indicates that synthetic pyrethrin and permethrin-based insecticides are connected to canine cancers and endocrine illnesses. Pyrethrins are also extremely toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Cedar oil is one type of natural insecticide available for dogs. The scent is pleasant and, unlike citronella oil, dogs tolerate it well. Cedar oil is an effective deterrent to insects when sprayed on dog bedding, furniture and in vacuum bags to disseminate the scent.

Flea Control

Three types of fleas infest homes worldwide. One is most common to cats, another to humans and another to dogs. All three will use a pet dog as a host. Fleas cause problems ranging from minor itching to severe allergic reactions and infections that result from obsessive scratching of afflicted areas. The average life span of a flea is only several weeks, but some varieties can live up to year. Only adult fleas live on a dog's skin. Hundreds of larvae fall off the dog and live in the immediate environment. Flea larvae can live in bedding and carpets and bite pets and people when mature. Cedar oil is a safer way to control infestations, but as with any chemical, apply with caution.

Treat the Environment

Only 1 percent of fleas live, as adults, on a dog. The rest thrive in various stages of development in the environment. Spray cedar oil directly on carpeting and blankets to reduce infestations of immature fleas. Wash dog bedding thoroughly each week and then spray lightly with cedar oil to repel all stages of fleas. Vacuum frequently to remove dead and live larvae. Spray the inside of a clean vacuum bag with cedar spray prior to using to spread the scent throughout the house, further deterring fleas from inhabiting the environment.

Types of Cedar Oil Products

Cedar-based insecticides are powerful and the U.S. Army uses them as DEET-free alternatives to control the sand fleas plaguing soldiers in the Middle East.

Commercial cedar-based products for dogs are available online and in natural food stores. Topical pest repellents and treatments for fleas, mange and ear mites are also available. Carefully follow manufacturer instructions for safe application of all cedar oil products.

Commercial cedar oil insecticides are available for indoor and outdoor application in gallon-size containers. Do not use lawn and garden cedar products on a dog. They are intended for outdoor use on plants only.

Cedar oil-based shampoos are available at pet stores, online and at health food stores. Shampoos deter fleas and tackle odor problems common to long-haired dogs.

Applying Cedar Oil

Mix 10 drops of cedar oil to each tablespoon of olive oil to make a repellent to spray on a dog. Spray lightly on the coat and brush the entire dog gently. Avoid rubbing the solution directly into the dog's skin.


Always dilute pure cedar oil with olive oil before applying directly to a dog. Cedar oil is safe for use around pets and children, but avoid direct ingestion of cedar oil. If a dog becomes overly agitated or uncomfortable, digging at the areas where you have applied cedar oil, quickly bathe the dog with a mild dog shampoo and rinse thoroughly. If discomfort continues take the dog to a veterinarian promptly.

Tags: Cedar Pets, fleas live, food stores, with cedar