Tuesday 8 September 2015

Set Up A Military Pup Tent

A basic pup tent.

Once essential gear for any grunt, the canvas pup tent has fallen from grace, relegated to army surplus stores. Though some sunshine campers may be smitten by the patina of the pup tent, few of them are smiling after twenty minutes of struggling with guy lines, poles and stakes. The key to pitching a pup tent is having help. Even the Army field guide recommends two soldiers work in tandem to erect the pup. To that end, grab a friend and get it set up, soldier.


1. Lay the tent on the ground. Spread out both halves and make sure the guy lines are not tangled.

2. Anchor the first metal pole in place and have your helper pull the guy line taught.

3. Stake the guy line into the ground. Use a hammer or hand shovel to drive the stake completely into the ground while keeping the guy line taught.

4. Repeat the pole anchoring and guy-line staking steps on the other side of the tent.

5. Pull the four corner anchors taught and stake them into the ground using a hammer or hand shovel.

Tags: into ground, hammer hand, hammer hand shovel, hand shovel, line taught