Friday 25 September 2015

Grass Treatment For Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes like to rest on grasses.

Female mosquitoes have to feed on blood to develop their eggs. Their bites interfere with outdoor activities and may transmit diseases. Mosquitoes often rest on plants, such as tall blades of grass, weeds and leaves. Treating the grass for mosquitoes may reduce the risk of mosquito bites in your lawn. Does this Spark an idea?


Treating the grass with an insecticidal fog only kills the mosquitoes that are in the lawn at the time of treatment. New mosquitoes may populate the treated area within just a few hours or a few days. Fogging provides short-term control, and you may have to repeat the treatment to maintain efficacy. The University of Illinois recommends fogging in the evening when the temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Such conditions heighten the chances of the insecticide killing more mosquitoes.

Residual Spray

Residual sprays distribute insecticides that may remain effective for weeks, depending on the environmental conditions. Treating the grass with residual sprays kills both the mosquitoes that are in the area at the time of treatment and the new mosquitoes that come after the treatment when the insecticide is still effective. For best results, Ohio State University recommends that you apply residual sprays to the grasses one or two days before you spend time outdoors.

Lawn Leveling

If the surface of the lawn is uneven, water may collect in the sunken areas. Female mosquitoes may lay their eggs in the still water, with adult mosquitoes emerging within days. Any grass clippings that fall into the water make the area more attractive for mosquitoes. Drain these areas and fill them with soil to level them with the rest of the lawn and prevent water from collecting.


Mosquitoes prefer resting in dense vegetative areas, such as a lawn with tall grass. Mosquitoes find the area especially attractive if you have a pond or other water feature surrounded by tall grass. Regularly mowing the grass helps reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area. If you have a water feature, focus on the grass growing around it. Do not let blades of grass overhang the water and do not let the grass clippings fall into the water.

Tags: mosquitoes that, Treating grass, blades grass, fall into, fall into water, Female mosquitoes, grass clippings