Wednesday 23 September 2015

Control Mosquitoes And Enjoy Your Yard And Garden With Your Family

Time spent together outdoors ceases to be fun when mosquitoes are involved.

Mosquitoes buzzing in your ears and biting your skin can put a damper on the time you spend trying to enjoy your yard and garden with family. These summer pests become particularly pesky when humidity levels rise and rain falls, leaving areas of standing water ideal for mosquito breeding. Preventive measures help keep mosquitoes from breeding in your yard. Simple control techniques allow you and your family to enjoy time spent together outdoors without irritating mosquito bites to show for it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Level out any areas of your yard that collect small puddles of standing water after rainfall. Loosen the dirt with a shovel and even it out, adding more top soil if necessary to fill in the space.

2. Make a homemade mosquito repellent spray to keep mosquitoes away from you and your family while outdoors. Combine 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil with 8 oz. of water and 2 tbsp. of olive oil. Shake the mixture in a spray bottle and apply to your skin and clothing before going outdoors.

3. The smell of a citronella candle keeps mosquitoes away from your patio table.

Position citronella candles on your deck area and other areas of the yard where family members spend time. Burn the candles whenever you're outside to repel mosquitoes.

4. Mosquitoes breed and lay eggs in old birdbath water.

Keep small decorative fountains and birdbaths free of mosquitoes and eggs by replacing the water every three days. Clean out the fountain or birdbath with a hose and refill with water. Check gutters and eaves on a regular basis to ensure leaves and other debris aren't causing standing water in the gutters.

Tags: standing water, your yard, away from, away from your, from your, keep mosquitoes, mosquitoes away