Tuesday 22 September 2015

Control Treehole Mosquitoes

Crazy Mosquito

Treehole mosquitoes are pesky, small, aggressive mosquitoes. They are named because they often breed in treeholes, rot-outs or crevices in trees. These holes trap rainwater that is perfect for breeding mosquitoes. Thousands of mosquitoes can develop in a treehole full of mucky water. Treehole mosquitoes are hazardous in many regions because they can infect children with La Crosse encephalitis and spread heartworm disease to dogs. The best way to control treehole mosquitoes is to stop them from breeding in your yard. You can control these pests in several ways. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Look for tree holes. Treehole mosquitoes do not travel far from their breeding ground. Check for holes or branch crevices that hold water. Some experts advise filling holes with sand or hydrophilic gels. Garden suppliers often carry hydrophilic gels. When sprinkled in the hole or crevice, the gel crystals absorb water and form a protective gel barrier that lasts several years.

2. Dump water from containers. Fountains, wading pools and trashcans with standing water are mosquito breeding grounds. Change water in wading pools, birdbaths and pet bowls at least once a week. Turn over wading pools, flowerpots and wheelbarrows when they are not in use.

3. Clean roof gutters. Leaves that collect in the gutters clog drains. Water backs into the rotting leaves. One clogged gutter can produce millions of mosquitoes during the season.

4. Throw out old tires. Many people use old tires for child swings or sprinkler buffers. If the tires trap decomposing leaves, they attract treehole mosquitoes. One discarded tire can produce over 50,000 mosquitoes during a breeding season.

5. Plant landscaping to eliminate standing water. Your local nursery can recommend low maintenance plants that fill a wet spot and eliminate pest-breeding conditions. Also put mesh screen over landscape drain openings to control mosquitoes breeding inside drains.

6. Use larvicides to kill mosquito larva. These products are applied in ways such as granules or dunks. The safest larvicides contain ingredients like methoprene or Bti. They are sold in garden and home improvement stores. Use them in places like bird baths, roof gutters and water gardens. These products provide long-lasting control. They are safe for people, pets and the environment when used as directed. They are not effective on mature mosquitoes.

7. Spray for mosquitoes. The most effective home control for mature mosquitoes is often insecticide spray. Insecticides containing malathion or pyrethrins dramatically reduce mosquito populations with little risk to people, pets or wildlife. No pesticide is 100 percent safe. Always follow directions.

8. Zap the bugs. Various electronic devices electrocute, dehydrate or otherwise dispose of flying mosquitoes. Their effectiveness depends on the product and the mosquito. Now put on your mosquito repellent and go stop those biting mosquitoes.

Tags: wading pools, because they, hydrophilic gels, mature mosquitoes, mosquitoes during, people pets, roof gutters