Monday 10 August 2015

Do Silverfish Bugs Bite

Although silverfish bugs don't bite people, they do bite paper, and while a silverfish infestation isn't dangerous, it is a nuisance. Does this Spark an idea?


A silverfish is a long, flat and wingless insect with two elongated antennae and three long tails, or cerci, that come out its rear end. Two of the tails point to the right and left of the body, and one sticks straight back.


Silverfish are covered with light scales and are silvery-gray to brown. The nearly identical firebrat bugs are darker.


Silverfish are a real threat to starchy substances, but are harmless to humans. Human skin isn't starchy enough to interest them.


The real prey of the silverfish are paper products like wallpaper and books. They can also damage flooring and stain clothing.


A silverfish bug is nocturnal, and loves places that are wet, warm and dim. You'll often find them in or behind cupboards and bookcases, or even in windows and door frames.

Pest Control

A careful cleaning or vacuuming of a silverfish-prone area of the house is a good idea, as is keeping your books and clothing in dry, cool places. Caulk cracks the bugs could crawl through.
