Wednesday 29 July 2015

Repair Backyard Ponds

Repairing cracks or tears in your pond will extend its life.

Outdoor ponds are enchanting additions to your yard or garden, and provide years of relaxation when installed and maintained properly. Sadly, damage in the form of cracks or tears to the liner or pond surface can all too easily put a hold on your enjoyment. Unless the problem is minor, you will have to drain the pond to repair the problem. With some precautions in your repair plans, however, you can make sure that your pond is back together in no time, and that further damage is avoided. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove any fish, turtles and wildlife from the pond. Relocate them to holding tanks or large containers while you make repairs to the pond. Plastic storage tubs are good options for quantities of large fish. Haul out any plants you wish to save.

2. Drain the pond completely. Rent a pond vacuum or rotate your pond pump so the overflow points away from the pond.

3. Clean the pond by removing any debris left at the bottom. Hose out the entire pond. Scrub concrete ponds with a broom or large scrub brush; use car wash mitts or large rags on plastic liners to avoid additional scrapes and tears. Rinse a final time, then drain the pond again.

4. Allow the pond to dry completely.

5. Thoroughly inspect the pond for cracks, tears and holes. Don't rush this process -- the last thing you want to do is fill your pond after repairs are finished, only to find that you have missed a leak somewhere.

6. Patch your pond with the method that matches your pond's construction. Fix flexible liner ponds with a repair kit. Apply spray foam or a concrete patching product for short-term repairs to concrete ponds. Repair a hard plastic free-form pond temporarily with a pond-repair kit. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the repair products you choose.

7. Allow any patches to dry and set completely before refilling your pond.

Tags: your pond, cracks tears, concrete ponds, from pond, pond completely, ponds with