Tuesday 30 December 2014

Catnip For Roach Control

Roaches are attracted to dirt and filth, but they can come from neighbors or through something you bring into your home.

Catnip contains nepetalactone, which has been shown to repel some roaches when used around the house. The advantage to using catnip is that it isn't dangerous to kids or pets. Does this Spark an idea?


Two forms of catnip repel cockroaches in your home. One is a liquid form that you can spray onto affected areas and the other is a dried form, such as catnip pouches. Make your own by filling small satchels with the dried catnip.


The website Eartheasy suggests brewing fresh catnip with water on the stove and letting the catnip steep in the water. Use the cooled mixture to spray cabinets and baseboards of your home to repel roaches. Sprinkle dried catnip in cabinets or place satchels of catnip in the cupboards.


It's not guaranteed that dried catnip will repel cockroaches from your house, according to CBSNews.com. The site reports that researchers discovered catnip repels German roaches, but hadn't tested the catnip on common American roaches.

Tags: dried catnip, your home, repel cockroaches