Wednesday 17 December 2014

The History Of Incense Sticks

Stick incense is one of the most popular forms of incense.

Incense dates back into the Biblical ages and has its roots in religious ceremonies. Incense comes in many forms like sticks, coils, powder and cones. Stick incense is the most popular form of incense because of its convenience, says Louie Kampouris on his website, Essencial Dreams.

Origin Incense

Physical evidence of the use of incense has been found by archaeologists around the globe. Historians have found textual evidence in ancient texts like the Bible and "The Epic of Gilgamesh" from Sumeria.

Stick Incense

In the beginning, stick incense was made from splinters of aromatic wood like sandalwood. Stick incense orginated in China during the Ming dynasty, which ran from 1368 to 1644.


Incense is made largely of wood pulp, aromatic powder and a binding agent. However, stick incense can be made another way. Wooden "punks" are sometimes soaked in aromatic oils to create the incense sticks. Incense sticks come in a variety of scents and are often dyed to help identify their scent.

Tags: Stick incense, incense most, incense most popular, most popular, stick incense made, Stick incense most