Friday 5 December 2014

Diy Mosquito Repellent

Mosquitoes have trouble locating humans through the smell of insecticides.

Most store-bought mosquito repellents contain insecticides such as DEET or premethrin, but there are several herbal repellents that also repel mosquitoes. These can be made with common household ingredients. Does this Spark an idea?

Essential Oils

Plant-derived essential oils repel mosquitoes when reapplied frequently. Choices include citronella, eucalyptus, lemon, basil and pine oils. Eucalyptus is commonly considered the most effective in repelling mosquitoes.


You can create your own DIY mosquito repellent by combining 2 1/2 teaspoons essential oil with 1 cup 190-proof alcohol. Mix the concoction together by shaking it in a jar. Apply it to skin or clothing to repel mosquitoes.


Check your DIY mosquito repellent on a small area to check for allergic reactions before using it over large areas of your body. Some essential oils may work better for certain people than others, so keep track of the essential oil or combination of oils used in your DIY mosquito repellent. Track your results and change the ingredients in your next batch of repellent accordingly.


Some essential oils may have disagreeable odors, especially when mixed together, so consider adding peppermint oil to your repellent to cover any unpleasant fragrances. Botanic-based repellents often cost more as well, according to the University of Kentucky. Always remember that even natural insecticides can present a toxicity risk.

Tags: mosquito repellent, repel mosquitoes, your mosquito, your mosquito repellent, essential oils