Wednesday 10 September 2014

Cheerleading Sign Making Ideas

Go, Fight, Win!

One of the duties that comes with being on a cheerleading squad is sign making. Signs are a great way to show your spirit and get your school ready for the big game. These supportive signs don't need to be bland and generic. With a little effort, you can create bright and jolly signs sure to get the attention of the team and fans alike.


What is the purpose of your particular sign? There are different kinds of signs used in cheerleading. For example, locker signs are used before games to give players encouragement and to announce the game to the students. These signs can be personalized for the players. Spirit signs are larger signs used by cheerleaders and fans during the game to root on the team. These signs are less personalized and more eye-catching.

Graphics and Text

Locker signs usually contain an image or some kind of graphic or drawing; this can be as simple as a football or as personalized as a photo of the player whose locker the sign is for. On the other hand, spirit signs generally focus on a single phrase or word. The text for signs should be a color that people can read from far away. Stay away from light colors. If you choose to use a lighter or harder to read color, be sure to outline it it in black or another bold color.


When choosing the word or phrase you want to have on the sign, you have to decide if you want it to be more generic and traditional, like "Go, Fight, Win!", or more creative. You can use puns and humor to really spice up your sign. For example, "Make those Eagles extinct!" or "Send the Bulldogs to the dog house!" are phrases that are funny, yet in good taste. Make sure that you stay away from personal or derogatory phrases, as inappropriate behavior is never good sportsmanship.

Tags: signs used, away from, These signs