Friday 23 October 2015

Use Plants To Repel Mosquitoes

Rosemary will naturally repel mosquitoes

Mosquito sprays can be messy and dangerous, especially for children and babies. However, there is a natural way to repel mosquitoes in your yard and on your deck by using common plants. Learn more about some plants that naturally repel the pesky critters so you can enjoy your outdoor activities. Does this Spark an idea?



1. Decide where and how you want to plant the plants. Do you want to incorporate them into an existing flower bed, add a new bed or use containers? What types of containers will fit your landscape design? If you use containers, be sure to select ones that allow for plenty of drainage so that the plants don't sit in water, known as "wet feet."

2. Determine what kind of sunlight exposure the intended planting spot will receive during the day. Examine the area over different parts of the day and note its sun exposure. Full sun is an area that receives 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day; a partial sun or partial shade area should receive 3-6 hours of sun each day. Most plants will thrive in full sun and partial sun. Be sure to plan accordingly so that your new mosquito-repelling plants will be happy.

3. Select your plants. There are several plants available that will naturally repel mosquitoes. Lemongrass can be planted in full to partial sun, horsemint likes full sun sun to partial shade, rosemary will enjoy full sun to partial sun, catnip does best in full sun sun to partial shade, and marigolds thrive in full sun. These plants can be purchased at home and garden centers, either as plants or seeds. Many of them have a Citronella scent or even contain Citronella oils.

4. Plant the plants or seeds. Note the height of each plant prior to planting, and be sure to plan accordingly (plant the shortest plants in front, and the tallest in back). Marigolds will reach 12-16 inches in height, while horsemint and rosemary can get to be 3-5 feet tall, and lemongrass can grow 3-6 feet high. Be sure to plant each of them according to the directions on the plant tag, and water regularly.

5. Fertilize the plants with a general fertilizer like Miracle Grow or compost tea.

6. Enjoy your mosquito-free yard!

Tags: full partial, naturally repel, partial shade, full partial shade, naturally repel mosquitoes, plan accordingly, plants seeds