Thursday 8 October 2015

Place Your Mosquito Magnet

Mosquitoes turn your backyard into a battle zone.

The Mosquito Magnet fools mosquitoes, luring them to their death. The machine uses a carbon dioxide attractant to mimic the scent of human skin and breath. As the mosquitoes approach the attractant plume, the magnet sucks the insects into the machine. The appliance traps the mosquitoes in a net bag where they dehydrate and die. Over time, as more breeding pairs die, the overall mosquito population diminishes. The key to efficient operation is placing the Mosquito Magnet in the right area of your yard. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sketch out your lawn. Add shrubbery that gives haven to adult mosquitoes. Draw in water sources that provide a breeding ground for the next generation of insects.

2. Identify outdoor living areas with the tape measure. This includes patios, play structures or swimming pool. Measure 30 to 40 feet from these areas and place the stakes or flag markers.

3. Test the wind in your yard. Moisten your finger and hold it in the wind to sense its direction.

4. Place the Mosquito Magnet between the breeding ground and habitat of the mosquitoes and the outdoor living areas. Place the appliance so that the habitat is downwind of the lure. This allows the wind to disperse the attractant. Keep the appliance 30 to 40 feet from outdoor living areas.

Tags: Mosquito Magnet, living areas, outdoor living, outdoor living areas, areas Place, breeding ground