Wednesday 7 October 2015

Rain Barrel Solutions

Connect your downspouts to a rain barrel to collect water for your garden.

A rain barrel can be an attractive and money-saving addition to your home. Connect a downspout from your eaves trough to a rain barrel and you'll have enough water for your garden and other outdoor, and even indoor, uses. Does this Spark an idea?


Rain barrels come in a variety of types. Collapsible versions are ideal for people who live in cold climates since they store easily. Resin or plastic rain barrels are also convenient and easy to clean and store. Ceramic or wood rain barrels add a decorative look to your home, but they are best in warmer areas so you can leave them year round.


You can use the rainwater you collect for more than watering your garden and outdoor plants. Use it for washing the car or rinsing off your driveway or patio as well, and even for watering indoor plants.


The obvious benefit of using a rain barrel is it conserves water and saves you money. However, there are other benefits too. Rain water is better for your garden and lawn than municipal water because it doesn't have chemicals that can harm plants. Using a rain barrel also helps reduce the water that goes into the public sewage system.

Tags: your garden, rain barrel, rain barrel, rain barrels, water your