Friday 22 May 2015

Meditate With Incense

Meditation can help clear your mind, calm your spirit, improve concentration or focus on your goals. There are many forms of meditation. Burning incense can do more than fill the air with a sweet scent. It can aid you in your meditation. It is believed that incense carries our prayers and wishes to the heavens. Follow the guide below to meditate with incense.


Meditate with Incense

1. Choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 to 30 minutes.

2. Choose your goal for the meditation session. For example, are you meditating to clear your mind or strengthen your intellect? Perhaps you desire to meditate on drawing love or prosperity into your life. Determine what you will focus on for the meditation period.

3. Choose an incense appropriate for your goal.

4. Sit in a comfortable place.

5. Light the incense and begin your meditation.

Choose the Appropriate Incense for Your Meditation

6. Choose amber, strawberry, rose, patchouli, lavender or jasmine incense while meditating on love.

7. Choose cinnamon, musk or jasmine incense while meditating on wealth and/or prosperity.

8. Choose vanilla, sage or honeysuckle incense while meditating on wisdom, intellect, mental powers or clarity.

9. Choose amber or strawberry incense while meditating on happiness or good fortune.

10. Choose pine, sandalwood or sage incense while meditating on cleansing and clearing.

11. Choose patchouli or rose incense while meditating on growth or fertility.

Tags: incense while, incense while meditating, while meditating, amber strawberry, Choose amber, Choose amber strawberry, clear your