Thursday 8 January 2015

Tell The Difference Between A Soaring Turkey Vulture And Bald Eagle

A turkey vulture's head can be spotted even high in the sky.

High-flying turkey vultures and bald eagles can look similar to us ground dwellers. Here is a foolproof way to tell the difference between them. No binoculars needed!


1. A bald eagle's white head may get lost in the sky.

Look for a head. If the soaring bird looks headless it is probably a mature bald eagle with the white head and tail. The white head often gets lost to our eyes in the bright sky. Eagles mature into their white heads and tails after about four or five years; before that they are brown -- they have white streaks, but look all brown while soaring.

Both raptors often soar riding high on thermals. Turkey vultures are looking for delectable carnage to snack on, while bald eagles eat mostly fish.

2. Look at the angle of the wings. You'll get the best view when the bird is flying toward or away from you.

If the bird's wings are straight across, it is a bald eagle.

3. If the bird's wings make a "V" shape, it is a turkey vulture.

Tags: white head, bald eagle, bald eagles, bird wings, turkey vulture