Friday 23 January 2015

Care For Pet Guppies

Guppies have become popular aquarium fish all over the world. If you've only seen the pale green versions of this fish, you may be surprised to learn that there are many diversely colorful versions of the species, which is why so many aquarium owners covet them.


1. Prepare a bare fish tank by filling it with at least five gallons of water. Help maintain healthy water for your guppies by getting two box filters that contain either filter floss, marbles or dolomite. Place the tank in an area in your home that risks the least damage from falling items.

2. Give your baby guppies proper nutrition by feeding them five small meals a day. Feed them either baby brine shrimp or live white worms. You can get both foods in most fish-supply stores.

3. Make sure your guppies get up to eight hours of light a day. To get better results, purchase a lamp that uses fluorescent light bulbs.

4. Maintain high-quality water in the tank; poor water quality is the major cause of death for guppies. Watch the water pH levels, the tank's equivalent to chlorine, which shouldn't exceed 8.2. If the pH level is higher, the guppies have a hard time breathing. Clean the tank with a siphon vacuum once a week to remove any harmful waste and prevent any damage to the tank or the guppies.

5. Create a comforting environment for your guppies. Make the tank look as much like their natural habitat as possible. Include such items as colored rock or dead crushed coral to help your guppies adjust better to their surroundings.

Tags: your guppies