Monday 2 November 2015

Pest Control For A House

Get rid of pests naturally through regular cleaning and household products.

A pest in the home is never a welcome guest, especially if it damages your furniture and attracts more of its family. Natural pest control is the ideal method for controlling pests because it limits your exposure to toxic chemicals that can irritate your lungs and be potentially fatal if ingested by pets, according to Ellen Sandbeck, author of "Organic Housekeeping." Natural repellents and treatment reduce unnecessary chemical exposure and are an affordable alternative to otherwise unsafe poisons. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wash your dishes every night. Dirty dishes in the sink attract mice and ants, so you can help avoid or control a pest problem by washing your dishes immediately after use.

2. Mop your floors with a floor cleaner or mild dishwashing detergent to clean up sticky spills that tend to attract ants.

3. Store dry food in airtight containers to keep out ants and mice. Keep produce, bread and perishable goods in the refrigerator.

4. Mix 1 tablespoon of borax with 2 tablespoons of corn syrup, and place the bait behind the refrigerator, garbage can or other areas where you see pests. The pests will carry the bait back to their nest and die.

5. Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda in your drain, and pour 1/2 cup of vinegar to clear out buildup. Sewer rats are attracted to grease and food waste in your kitchen drains, and they might try to travel through the waste pipes.

6. Lay bay leaves in areas infested by ants to repel them. The potency of the bay leaves keeps them from returning to the area, according to Earth Easy.

7. Spray ants with 1 tablespoon of dish soap added to water in a spray bottle to eliminate them safely.

Tags: your dishes